The Best Invention of the Year
又到了每年年底都讓版主超級期待的TIME時代雜誌公佈年度最佳發明,花了快一個小時看完內文跟影片,發現好像只有第23名The Cyborg Beetle可能跟RFID技術直接相關,另外有其他1~2個有機會衍生間接關聯,不像前幾年都有RFID的應用產品,國內外RFID同業們,2010要扳回顏面才行:
23.The Cyborg Beetle
Man has yet to master nature, but now he can make it turn left. Armed with funding from the Pentagon's research wing, an engineering team at the University of California, Berkeley, has devised a method of remotely controlling the flight of beetles. By attaching radio antennas and embedding electrodes in the insects' optic lobes, flight muscles and brains, professors Michel Maharbiz and Hirotaka Sato can manipulate their subjects into taking off, hovering in midair and turning on command. The trick? Wirelessly delivering jolts to a microbattery fastened to a circuit board atop the hapless insects, whose agility and capacity to tote valuable payloads could make the tiny creatures the ultimate fly on the wall.
觀看"The 50 Best Inventions of 2009"清單:,29569,1934027,00.html
資料來源:TIME 2009/11/12