2007年5月29日 星期二


為你心愛的寵物加個晶片避免遺失,以現代來說是件舉手之勞。但為水族館裡20隻魚標上RFID標籤,這可就是件創舉了!新加坡水族館為了讓遊客能夠搞清楚他們究竟在看的是什麼魚,在館內設置了一個觸控式螢幕。當某隻被標記過的魚游到附近時,這個螢幕將會把牠們的名稱和種類等資訊顯示出來。身為一個總是在展示缸中迷失目標的近視眼,我必須承認這實在是棒透了!(不過,魚不會不舒服嗎?) 但走在時代近端的代價總是沈重的,這個系統花了它們三個月才建構完成,並且燒掉了新加坡幣30000元。現在他們正興奮地考慮要在鯊魚上也裝一個,我想他們最好要小心一點,不要裝一裝跑到牠的肚子裡去囉! Singapore aquarium tags fish with RFID chips Keeping track of your personal pet using any means necessary is one thing, but embedding RFID chips into some 20 aquarium fishes is taking things to a whole 'nother level. Sure, we've seen RoboFish unleashed in a public aquarium and the means to care for your guppy remotely, but officials at the Underwater World in Singapore now have a much more exciting way to learn details about the animals customers see. Reportedly, the name and species (among other information) about the chipped marine animals are displayed on touchscreen displays whenever they swim by, which eliminates the old fashioned "match the picture with the fish" signs that still exist in other facilities. The project was set up over a three month period and set the venue back $19,600, but considering that the execs are thinking about risking someone's life to tag sharks in the near future, we can only assume that it's been a hit. 資料來源: 癮科技http://www.engadget.com 2007/5/24
